Thursday, August 7, 2008

It really is your decision

I was just thinking that when someone needs to take their health, their dietary health to be exact into consideration it really lies in their 'wanting' to enough to take the steps necessary to make the changes. Yuh coulda preach till yuh I need to do more inorder to learn how to help persons get there. I am seeing it play out as I type with a good friend of mine. I am going to post the results if he/she will let me.

ps lets just say it is amazing what the removal of carbonated beverages (alone) can do the 'bottom line' where weight management is concerned.

one love

di june plum


Unknown said...

I agree with you... it is all in the mind. Having made up my mind to manage my diet in the past and having tremendous success with it and now falling back into old habits I feel i must have lost my mind somewhere along the way. So, with that said....I have to put my head back in the game. Stress plays a big factor too so since we can't remove all stress I have to figue out how to manage the stress. Thanks for the reminder JUNE PLUM.

Anonymous said...

Carbonated beverages and sweets are my downfall... I drink diet soda but I'm trying to drink seltzer water, which is just plain ole carbonated water....

Is carbonated water bad for you? Will it hinder weight loss as well?